What may be rented? Generally speaking, most items that are on the sales floor may be rented, as well as items that are listed online on any of our platforms. We also have a large backstock of off-season items as well as furniture, decor, jewelry, and accessories, so please enquire and we’ll help find items that work for your production! We reserve the right to refuse rental of any item for any reason, usually because the items are too fragile for your purpose. We do not rent for party guests.
Rental Rates: All our rental rates are based upon the full retail sale price of the item.
Up to 3 days: 30% retail price + 10% restocking fee
Damages and styling are extra (see details below).
The maximum rental period for all items is 3 days. We do not do day rates. If you need more than 3 days you would simply purchase the items outright and we would arrange a buyback appointment at the end of your production.
Holds for Fittings and Models: We hold garments at our store for up to
3 days before your rental period begins. We recommend bringing your model’s measurements with you when sourcing clothing, or ideally, bringing them with you to try on before rental.
Pickups and Drop Offs: We do not pick up or drop off merchandise for productions. Productions are responsible for returning merchandise by the end of the rental period, or an additional rental fee will be assessed. ALL merchandise will need to be dropped off at our store.
Styling: As a general rule, we will work with your production to find items in our inventory that match your production needs. This fee does not include styling. Let us know you need a stylist and we’d be happy to assign you one!
Deposit: All rentals must leave the initial deposit of 30% fee upon taking the items from the store. If you are renting on behalf of a production, one member of the production (whom the rental charge will go through) will be required to leave a copy of their driver’s license or state issued ID on file; as well as a credit card number on file for any damages or further charges.
Buyback Policy: If your production has ended and you will no longer need the clothing, we offer a buy-back policy of 30% retail price. Buybacks must be the same way as our regular inventory purchases, please join the waitlist on our website under the selling vintage page. Please make a note in your waitlist request regarding which production / buyback purchase.

Please see the PDF form below for further instructions and policies.